LEGGI ANCHE: Stan Lee è morto, addio al volto più emblematico del fumetto a stelle e strisce
La scomparsa di Stan Lee ha colpito tutti, in particolare moltissimi artisti del mondo del fumetto e dell’animazione, dall’occidente all’oriente, ispirati dalle sue creazioni.
Tramite i social media gli artisti hanno omaggiato e ricordato Lee, eccone alcuni:
Maybe we will forget many heroes,
but we will always remember the man who created the heroes.Pubblicato da JUN CHIU Illustration su Lunedì 12 novembre 2018
— JoeQuesada (@JoeQuesada) 12 novembre 2018
R.I.P. …God bless you, Thank you Stan Lee.#stanlee #StanLeeRIP #MARVEL pic.twitter.com/yRBHJEenTq— アしや(芦谷)耕平?黄金の風?✨&ゴールデンカムイ? (@asikoh009) 13 novembre 2018
When literature and religion collide. #StanLee pic.twitter.com/7Hn5WG8aK2
— TheCantilope (@TheCantilope) 13 novembre 2018
— Mitch Gerads (@MitchGerads) 12 novembre 2018
There’s so much more I’d like to say. So many memories I’d like to share. My heart won’t stop pounding and my eyes keep watering up. And I have to wrap up a Fantastic Four plot today. I can’t think of a better way to honor him in this moment then keeping the characters alive. pic.twitter.com/oEIcyc4ajy
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) 12 novembre 2018
A tremendous moral legacy in six words.
— Greg Pak (@gregpak) 12 novembre 2018
goodbye Stan Lee
..you will be missed pic.twitter.com/qZLN4D6XC8— bung Hipo & non Tesa (@hipotesaku) 13 novembre 2018
ありがとうございました。 pic.twitter.com/cQbwoiw00t
— トラ (@tora0820) 13 novembre 2018
Rest in peace good sir ? pic.twitter.com/i8kLAzw5ve
— ? ((Fitzy)) ? (@TheFknLizrdKing) 13 novembre 2018
One of the first things I remember drawing was Spiderman. RIP Stan Lee #StanLeeForever #StanLee pic.twitter.com/aDKVnUhvG3
— Del Thorpe (@Delsdrawings) 13 novembre 2018
Rest In Peace @TheRealStanLee #legend #StanLee #StanLeeRIP pic.twitter.com/acQpyBxCqk
— Alex Ross (@thealexrossart) 12 novembre 2018
This is bitter news. We were lucky to have him.
Untold millions of lives made better by stories.
Endless people who learned responsibility from Spider-man, acceptance from the X-men, self-forgiveness from the Hulk.
Stan Lee put better heroes in our vision.
Forever the Man.
— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) 12 novembre 2018
Stan Lee was the first comic creator I ever saw speaking about their work (thanks Pizza Hut X-Men Animated Series tapes).
My first few SDCCs, Stan was EVERYWHERE. Scheduled to 15 min increments his 80s. Saw him on numerous panels. Walking the halls. Even won a signing ticket. pic.twitter.com/H3Ftl2jmMV
— Jody Houser ✒️?️? (@Jody_Houser) 12 novembre 2018
RIP Stan Lee ✳️‼️EXCELSIOR‼️#ripstanlee #marvel #comics #avegers4 #avengers #avengersinfinitywar #mcu #stanlee #blackpanther #spiderman #ironman #hulk #thor #thanos #blackwidow #capitanamerica #capitainmarvel #guardiansofthegalaxy #portrait #illustration #rtwork pic.twitter.com/4vgKDsYIGk
— Charles Kent ?️ (@charleskent_) 12 novembre 2018
The legendary Stan Lee — Rest In Peace (95th birthday portrait) #RipStanLee #StanLeeRIP #StanLee pic.twitter.com/Xqxm6zFm1y
— Bill Sienkiewicz Art (@SienkiewiczArt) 12 novembre 2018
Pax et Justitia. pic.twitter.com/okLwjomcem
— Wheeler (@Wheeler) 12 novembre 2018
Stan Lee changed my life not once but twice. First when I was a kid and realised the superheroes I loved in comic-books and on TV could actually be a job. Then he did it again when I was working at Marvel and he convinced to start my Millarworld company.
— Mark Millar (@mrmarkmillar) 12 novembre 2018
コミコンの時に撮影ブースに入った時、スタンリーが上品に両手を揃えて座っていて、ニッコニコで迎えいれてくれた姿が今も印象的。 pic.twitter.com/jGW25aoY4z
— アーノルド?シュワ子 (@illbeback_0730) 12 novembre 2018
世界にマーベルを生み出してくれてありがとうございました。#ThankYouStan pic.twitter.com/m0ka3XEbEu
— 森下真@Im~イム~ (@sinsimo) 13 novembre 2018
Deeply saddened to hear about Stan Lee’s passing. Out with the kids and can’t do this one justice today. Was lucky enough to meet Stan early in my career -I was introduced to him as a newbie- & he said: don’t look so nervous kid, all the good stuff is just ahead… #excelsior
— Scott Snyder (@Ssnyder1835) 12 novembre 2018
RIP @TheRealStanLee He made everyone feel like a kid in his presence no matter what your age. pic.twitter.com/JYeWXq8iKb
— Jim Lee (@JimLee) 12 novembre 2018
He was the most influential writer, editor, and publicist in the history of comics. The nerdy voice of so many generations. He wanted to write the great American novel. He did.
(And once I got him to laugh at a dick joke while we were taking a pic. These are framed on my desk.) pic.twitter.com/oO4T6sb8ra
— Tom King (@TomKingTK) 12 novembre 2018
I was first interviewed for Stan Lee’s obituary about 20 years ago. I was happy he defied the reaper and carried on. With Stan gone, an era really does come to an end. He was the happy huckster that comics needed. And he really did alliterate like that when you talked to him.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) 12 novembre 2018
A few more thoughts about Stan.
He was a controversial figure, yes. I credit him with more of the creation of Marvel…
Pubblicato da Mark Waid su Lunedì 12 novembre 2018
本当に大好きなアーティスト、スタンリーおじいちゃん。生きる伝説。いつか絶対に会いたい人でした。東京コミコンに来るとわかった時は絶対に絶対にチケット取るんだとスタンバって、念願の本人と2ショット。サインと写真は宝物です。おじいちゃん、本当にありがとう。大好きです。大好きです。rip pic.twitter.com/2VXZUlFlLP
— みぞぐちともや@デザフェスB394-395 (@tomoya_mizo) 13 novembre 2018
よろしくお願いいたします。https://t.co/GCFf3rpHlC pic.twitter.com/tBhffrxI3L— コヤマシゲト (@Joey__Jones) 13 novembre 2018
My favorite Stan Lee moment has to be the time he watched Todd McFarlane and Rob Liefeld design a character while dunking on them the whole time https://t.co/pHXug65P44 pic.twitter.com/NQqOzeFlWG
— Tristan Cooper (@TristanACooper) 12 novembre 2018
You wrote the direction of my life. For me you will be eternal. pic.twitter.com/sBS2cCJiwl
— Marco Checchetto (@MChecC) 12 novembre 2018
A piece of my childhood has just gone.
— Michele Bandini (@Michele_Bandini) 12 novembre 2018
Stan, you have meant more to my life and career than I can ever express. Thank you. ‘Nuff Said. #ThankYouStan pic.twitter.com/Gz8CuVDaP5
— Ben Morse (@BenJMorse) 12 novembre 2018
I was honored to draw some Stan Lee variant covers (with colorist @rachellecheri) for the Stan Lee Boxes.
He was a larger than life personality who fit in well with the characters he created & co-created.
We have lost an amazing ambassador for the world of comics. RIP Stan Lee. pic.twitter.com/qMcFbq3Kxx— Todd Nauck (@ToddNauck) 12 novembre 2018
–Hollywood ricorda Stan Lee
–Stan Lee aveva già girato la sua scena per Avengers 4