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Fumettisti e animatori ricordano Stan Lee

Pubblicato il 13 novembre 2018 di Marlen Vazzoler

LEGGI ANCHE: Stan Lee è morto, addio al volto più emblematico del fumetto a stelle e strisce

La scomparsa di Stan Lee ha colpito tutti, in particolare moltissimi artisti del mondo del fumetto e dell’animazione, dall’occidente all’oriente, ispirati dalle sue creazioni.

Tramite i social media gli artisti hanno omaggiato e ricordato Lee, eccone alcuni:

Maybe we will forget many heroes,
but we will always remember the man who created the heroes.

Pubblicato da JUN CHIU Illustration su Lunedì 12 novembre 2018

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R.I.P. Stan Lee. We have lost a Titan of Creativity and Industry. These are my last photos with Stan, taken in August at his home by Jon Bollerjack. I was summoned by “The Man”, he wanted a friendly face, a change of pace. I was up the next day. He was peaceful and comfortable and in great spirits. He sat in his favorite chair overlooking his pool and the beautiful canyons. I thanked him for being a visionary, not just creatively, but being a visionary in bringing Marvel to Hollywood, knowing how well they would be served by tv and film. Kids of the 1970’s, kids my age grew up with The Hulk tv show, live action Spider Man TV movies, Dr. Strange film on CBS. It was an exciting time and it was a result of Stan’s decision to travel west and present the Marvel characters to Hollywood. He started the Marvel Age Of Comics as well as the Marvel Age Of Film that we enjoy today. I have many stories from my history and travels with Stan. We never had a better Ambassador. And we won’t ever see another like him. All I know is the Good Lord has pulled up a chair and Stan is currently bending all the ears in the heaven’s with his amazing tales and lore. They are hanging on his every word and sentence. #stanlee #marvel #hulk #fantasticfour #xmen #spiderman #thor #excelsior

Un post condiviso da RobertLiefeld (@robliefeld) in data:

A few more thoughts about Stan.

He was a controversial figure, yes. I credit him with more of the creation of Marvel…

Pubblicato da Mark Waid su Lunedì 12 novembre 2018

Hollywood ricorda Stan Lee
Stan Lee aveva già girato la sua scena per Avengers 4

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