LEGGI ANCHE: Stan Lee è morto, addio al volto più emblematico del fumetto a stelle e strisce
La morte di Stan Lee, scomparso ieri a 95 anni, ha lasciato un vuoto a dir poco incolmabile. Tutti amavano il genio di casa Marvel, che nel corso della sua carriera aveva contribuito in maniera determinante alla creazione di figure diventate ormai iconiche, come Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man.
Personaggi che le nuove generazioni hanno imparato a conoscere anche grazie alle incarnazioni cinematografiche dell’Universo Cinematografico Marvel, che ha segnato un’epoca dettando le nuove regole dei franchise. Tutti, bene o male, sono debitori nei confronti di Stan Lee, e questo riguarda soprattutto l’universo patinato di Hollywood, che negli ultimi anni ha visto affermarsi nuove star, nuovi registi, legati alla Casa delle Idee.
Proprio per questo la morte di The Man, come era soprannominato Stan Lee, è stata seguita da una più che doverosa ondata di messaggi. Tutto il mondo del Cinema (e non solo, ovviamente) ha reso omaggio a questa figura, che grazie alle sua creazioni potrà vivere per sempre.
Ecco alcuni messaggi comparsi nelle ultime ore:
No one has had more of an impact on my career and everything we do at Marvel Studios than Stan Lee. Stan leaves an extraordinary legacy that will outlive us all. Our thoughts are with his daughter, his family, and his millions of fans. #ThankYouStan #Excelsior!
— Kevin Feige (@Kevfeige) November 12, 2018
Stan Lee created a universe where, if a character was beloved enough, they could never really die.
Now THAT’S thinking ahead.
Thanks for so much of my life. You’ll never not be in it.
— Joss Whedon (@joss) November 12, 2018
Thank you for filling our childhoods with such joy. You will be dearly, dearly missed… pic.twitter.com/Qt2sZqaNlc
— Russo Brothers (@Russo_Brothers) November 12, 2018
There will never be another Stan Lee. For decades he provided both young and old with adventure, escape, comfort, confidence, inspiration, strength, friendship and joy. He exuded love and kindness and will leave an indelible mark on so, so, so many lives. Excelsior!!
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) November 12, 2018
Thank you @TheRealStanLee for the escape from this world & great joy inhabiting the ones you created!! You made so many believe in the good, the heroic, the villainous, the exciting, most of all, you were giving & gracious to us all. RIP
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) November 12, 2018
We’ve lost a creative genius. Stan Lee was a pioneering force in the superhero universe. I’m proud to have been a small part of his legacy and …. to have helped bring one of his characters to life. #StanLee #Wolverine pic.twitter.com/iOdefi7iYz
— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) November 12, 2018
Today we lost one of the greats. @TheRealStanLee, you were a inspiration and superhero to us all. Thank you for contributing so much- and giving us all something to aspire to!
#ripstanlee pic.twitter.com/GzFhwgU0WA— Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) November 12, 2018
You were a man before your time… now it feels like you are gone before your time. RIP Stan the Man… thanks for the laughs and words of support. It’s a honor to live in your universe! #MarvelKnight pic.twitter.com/1TXdPqUB3x
— Anthony Mackie (@AnthonyMackie) November 12, 2018
Damn… RIP Stan. Thanks for everything. pic.twitter.com/TMAaDJSOhh
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) November 12, 2018
Taking a moment to thank the great @therealstanlee for his kindness and allowing me to play one of his favorite characters. The experience I had on #thefantasticfour playing #suestorm #invisiblewoman was so… https://t.co/gbApPlLOub
— Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) November 12, 2018
THANK YOU, @TheRealStanLee. You gave us characters that continue to stand the test of time and evolve with our consciousness. You taught us that there are no limits to our future as long as we have access to our imagination. Rest in power! #EXCELSIOR #StanLee #rip pic.twitter.com/hnSmnHIDln
— Winston Duke (@Winston_Duke) November 12, 2018
Rest in Peace Stan Lee
— Letitia Wright (@letitiawright) November 12, 2018
R.I.P. @TheRealStanLee You inspired is all. pic.twitter.com/QGZsESNuNA
— Mike Colter (@realmikecolter) November 12, 2018
Overwhelmed with love and gratitude for the late, great hero, Stan Lee. Rest In Paradise. Thank you for your imagination, creativity, tenacity, inspiration and love!!! https://t.co/4WqHCtDXE1
— Rosario Dawson (@rosariodawson) November 12, 2018
R.I.P. Stan Lee pic.twitter.com/5h4V5NmbE0
— Gina Carano (@ginacarano) November 12, 2018
Stan…more than a master of stories, you always seemed like a master of living. I will look to you for inspiration for the rest of my life. You live on. xoxo Your Wasp
#liveon #StanLee pic.twitter.com/JRA2aRM3bG— Evangeline Lilly (@EvangelineLilly) November 12, 2018
RIP Stan Lee Thank you for everything. #excelsior pic.twitter.com/7EVB0sMz3Z
— Jaimie Alexander (@JaimieAlexander) November 12, 2018
Today, we pause and reflect with great sadness on the passing of Stan Lee: https://t.co/J0cwgdn677 pic.twitter.com/eOBdZAqdZ0
— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) November 12, 2018
He changed the way we look at heroes, and modern comics will always bear his indelible mark. His infectious enthusiasm reminded us why we all fell in love with these stories in the first place. Excelsior, Stan.
— DC (@DCComics) November 12, 2018
I was first interviewed for Stan Lee’s obituary about 20 years ago. I was happy he defied the reaper and carried on. With Stan gone, an era really does come to an end. He was the happy huckster that comics needed. And he really did alliterate like that when you talked to him.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) November 12, 2018
RIP @TheRealStanLee He made everyone feel like a kid in his presence no matter what your age. pic.twitter.com/JYeWXq8iKb
— Jim Lee (@JimLee) November 12, 2018
Farewell, my friend. You’re not only responsible for the boy I was, but also the man I am today. I will miss you all my days. Read it all here: https://t.co/3ni6SLKhWW pic.twitter.com/6naCfXP7HO
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) November 12, 2018
What a man. What a life.
When I first broke into Hollywood, he welcomed me with open arms and some very sage advice I’ll forever take to heart.
A true icon who impacted generations around the world.
Rest in love, my friend. #imagination #stanlee pic.twitter.com/dw3FXMgyHp— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) November 12, 2018
Thank you Stan Lee for making people who feel different realize they are special.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 12, 2018
Rest in peace, Stan Lee. The many worlds of imagination & delight you created for humanity will last forever.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 12, 2018
Awww man, heartbreaking. R.I.P. to a true pioneer and legend. My youth wouldn’t have been the same without him. So grateful to have met the guy, and told him how thankful I was for his work. #stanlee https://t.co/UiYscXKoLQ
— James Wan (@creepypuppet) November 12, 2018
.@itsthewolverine @Stitcher RIP Stan Lee. Pausing for thought as we record “Wolverine” in the studio today. https://t.co/JFGsTDZLUE
— Richard Armitage (@RCArmitage) November 12, 2018
The great Stan Lee has passed away at the age of 95.
Last year, we were lucky enough to spend some time with him for a video by @danielraim in which Lee shares the experience of working on an ambitious sci-fi screenplay with his close friend and collaborator, Alain Resnais. pic.twitter.com/2JZ6hL1yUc
— Criterion Collection (@Criterion) November 12, 2018
Stan Lee, RIP. Thanks for inspiring so many of us to pick up a pen or pencil and put your dreams onto paper. Excelsior! pic.twitter.com/L33eTjUQdI
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) November 12, 2018
X-Men Movie Premiere.
Ellis Island, New York. May 2000.
With Stan Lee and my father, beaming proudly in the background.
Thank you for it all, Stan.
Excelsior.#RIPStantheMan pic.twitter.com/walGPQhJ35
— David Hayter (@DavidBHayter) November 12, 2018
Thank you Stan Lee. For your service in protecting our freedom and for your creativity and imagination! You were and will always be a SUPER HERO! pic.twitter.com/d1qpuImyzQ
— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) November 12, 2018
We lost a real-life superhero today. Stan Lee was a visionary, who elevated imaginations across the globe. I’m grateful for the time I got to spend with him. Rest peacefully, Stan. pic.twitter.com/Ie2S18y0A0
— Larry King (@kingsthings) November 12, 2018
His contribution to Pop Culture was revolutionary & cannot be overstated. He was everything you hoped he would be & MORE. I loved this man & will never stop missing him. They say you should never meet a childhood idol. They are wrong. #RIPStanTheMan pic.twitter.com/6OKH07ahJg
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) November 12, 2018
#StanLee is gone. I don’t know what to say other than that I was so very, very lucky to have gotten to know him and to work with and spend time with him. My life is better for it. All of our lives were better because he lived.
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) November 12, 2018
He lives forever through his work. What a giant.
With great power comes immortality. pic.twitter.com/t395qw9H0L— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) November 12, 2018
At age 7, I drew this weird portrait of Stan Lee and asked my Mom to send it to him. Thankfully she didn’t because 30+ years later, I got to give it to the great one in person. Thanks for all the fun Stan #Excelsior pic.twitter.com/IpfYBSjWyf
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) November 12, 2018
He inspired millions with his myriad, “Marvelous” characters, from Spiderman to Black Panther, Thor to the X-Men. Legendary creator Stan Lee is dead at 95. But his stories will live on and continue to ignite the imaginations of generations to come. Rest with the stars, great sir.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 12, 2018
Permanent cameo in heaven. #RIPStanLee https://t.co/ZnIv2hXMVy
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 12, 2018
Sorry to hear of #StanLeeRIP Stan Lee’s passing… loved the Marvel world…
— Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) November 12, 2018
Stan Lee was a great man, he will be missed. #stanlee pic.twitter.com/4dMGxRKIct
— Robert Evans (@The_RobertEvans) November 12, 2018
Thank you for the wonderful worlds you brought us @TheRealStanLee. With love pic.twitter.com/ZRdJbvJYCV
— Mageina Tovah (@Mageina) November 12, 2018
#StanLee reminds us all the impact a creative person can have on this world. #respect #StanLeeRIP #Marvel pic.twitter.com/WlcS4xtZ75
— Marshall Ramsey (@MarshallRamsey) November 12, 2018
Stan Lee created some of the most incredible and enduring characters of our time, and he chose New York City as the place to tell their stories. On behalf of his hometown, I want to express our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) November 12, 2018
We’re saddened by the loss of @TheRealStanLee, a visionary who created a universe of superheroes and comics. In his honor, here’s a deep-field look into the universe from our @NASAHubble Space Telescope. #Excelsior pic.twitter.com/9UHjyXwIkh
— NASA (@NASA) November 12, 2018
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