GUARDA ANCHE: Un inseguimento spettacolare nella clip estesa di Black Panther
Dopo l’anteprima mondiale di Black Panther, svoltasi ieri sera a Hollywood, è scaduto l’embargo sulle reazioni della stampa, quindi Twitter si è affollato di commenti relativi al nuovo cinecomic dei Marvel Studios.
L’accoglienza è prevedibilmente ricca di entusiasmo. Grandi elogi per Danai Gurira (Okoye) e Michael B. Jordan (Erik Killmonger), quest’ultimo definito “uno dei migliori antagonisti Marvel“; interessante anche il fatto che Black Panther venga descritto da qualcuno come il film “più politico” della Casa delle Idee. Il regista Ryan Coogler viene elogiato per il suo tocco personale sul genere supereroistico, attento alla costruzione della trama e dei personaggi (sembra che Killmonger abbia un arco narrativo importante, con motivazioni profonde), accurato nei risvolti spettacolari e focalizzato sui temi della rappresentazione e dell’identità. Qualcuno sostiene che Pantera Nera (Chadwick Boseman) sia “il James Bond del Marvel Cinematic Universe“, ma ovviamente con una spiritualità “al 100% africana”.
Potrete leggere i tweet sotto la sinossi ufficiale, ma prima vi ricordo che l’uscita italiana di Black Panther è attesa per il 14 febbraio.
Black Panther segue le vicende di T’Challa, che dopo gli eventi di Captain America: Civil War ritorna a casa nella nazione africana isolata e tecnologicamente avanzatissima del Wakanda, dove prende il suo posto come Re. Ma quando un vecchio nemico ricompare sui radar, la tempra di T’Challa come Re e come Pantera Nera viene messa alla prova, mentre si ritrova coinvolto in un conflitto che mette in pericolo le sorti del Wakanda e del mondo intero.
Soooo I went to an early screening, and #BlackPanther IS A MASTERPIECE. Period. End of story. Excuse me while I gather my thoughts and feelings… ??????
— Natasha Alford ?? (@NatashaSAlford) January 30, 2018
There are going to be a thousand think pieces about this movie, reviews, and reactions, but if any of them are bad, I’m really not interested in debating or convincing people they’re wrong, lol… ??♀️ #BlackPanther #WakandaForever
— Natasha Alford ?? (@NatashaSAlford) January 30, 2018
I just want to understand how Michael B. Jordan who is the finest man ever got EVEN MORE FINE for this movie? Like how did he do this? ??? Every time he appeared on screen the audience was shook. #BlackPanther
— Natasha Alford ?? (@NatashaSAlford) January 30, 2018
The nuances and details in the #BlackPanther storyline are impeccable. I didn’t feel pandered to, stereotyped or turned off. I felt incredible pride at every turn and these are fictional characters. Like, that’s a real accomplishment.
— Natasha Alford ?? (@NatashaSAlford) January 30, 2018
If you don’t understand the power of representation, imagine growing up never seeing a superhero who looks like you. When American Girl dolls came out I always picked Addy who had to escape slavery. But now kids have #BlackPanther’s Nakia, Shuri and Okoye. Dope on many levels.
— Natasha Alford ?? (@NatashaSAlford) January 30, 2018
Honestly @MarvelStudios keeps rising the bar. #BlackPanther was the most lit movie I’ve seen in ages. It’s more about a conflicted man trying to figure out his place in the world than a superhero skig fest. Believable characters all around and some amazing action.
— Nick Kazden (@ricknazden) January 30, 2018
So much love for Black Panther. The exploration of Wakanda is phenomenal, Erik Killmonger is unquestionably one of Marvel’s best villains, and manages to be both fun and dramatic. Can’t wait to see it again!
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) January 30, 2018
Marvel Studios continues their streak (and then some) with #BlackPanther. One of their best looking and sounding films. Oh and this is 110% a Ryan Coogler film.
— Shawn Madden (@shawnxmadden) January 30, 2018
so… W-O-W#BlackPanther is freaking amazing. The cast, the visuals, the soundtrack, I genuinely loved it, and I need to see it again. Hopefully Ryan Coogler returns for the sequel, because he is a genius. ??#WakandaForever
— ?? (@Hellkr1) January 30, 2018
BLACK PANTHER is beyond dope. I can’t put into words what Ryan Coogler did with this one. The world. The story, beautiful and brutal and full of “holy shit” moments. The performances by Chadwick, Danai, Lupita, Letitia, Angela and—HOLY SHIT—Michael B. Jordan!
— John Boone (@jtyboone) January 30, 2018
I tried really hard to keep my expectations low, but #BlackPanther wa every bit as good as I hoped it would be
— Danielle Radford (@danielleradford) January 30, 2018
#BlackPanther is simply awesome. Extremely bold and as touching as it is thrilling, it boasts GOT-style intrigue, crazy innovative action and a deep bench of memorable characters. Top 5 all-time Marvel movie, easy. More later.
— Brian Truitt (@briantruitt) January 30, 2018
#BlackPanther is the #Marvel film that FAR surpasses any other Marvel film. It is on a whole new, mind-blowing, spectacular level all it’s own. You haven’t seen and won’t see anything like it. @theblackpanther
— Ashley Menzel (@AshleyGMenzel) January 30, 2018
#BlackPanther takes its time to find its footing, but once it does, it’s absolutely one of a kind. I’ve never cried during a Marvel movie until now
— Alex Marzoña (@AlexMarzona) January 30, 2018
Hey Black Panther is dope
— Ross A. Lincoln (@Rossalincoln) January 30, 2018
#BlackPanther is exceptional – the James Bond of the MCU. You’ve seen nothing like this in a superhero movie – it’s bold, beautiful & intense, but there’s a depth & spiritualness that is unlike anything Marvel has ever done. It’s 100% African & it is dope af.
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) January 30, 2018
I saw ”Black Panther” with a packed crowd in NYC earlier tonight. It’s a “see it with a packed crowd at the movies” kind of movie. For example, at one point during the screening someone yelled out, “I’m DONE with you, Michael!”
— Frank Pallotta (@frankpallotta) January 30, 2018
I can’t breathe! Holy crap! @theblackpanther was so much better than I dared dream. Everybody involved deserves all good things! (Especially @letitiawright)
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!@MarvelStudios @Disney #BlackPanther #TeamShuri— DaVette See (@mariavah) January 30, 2018
#marvel does it again with ‘Black Panther’. Very impressed with the story and filmmaking. @michaelb4jordan absolutely kills it as the villain and is the best one since Loki. Also @DanaiGurira kicks so much ass and I loved every second of it. Going to make serious $.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) January 30, 2018
BLACK PANTHER is incredible, kinetic, purposeful. A superhero movie about why representation & identity matters, and how tragic it is when those things are denied to people. The 1st MCU movie about something real; Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger had me weeping and he’s the VILLAIN
— jen yamato (@jenyamato) January 30, 2018
So, I went to see #BlackPanther today at a screening and it was incredibly intense. The choreography, acting, and story were impeccable. It’s just as good if not better than Spider-Man Homecoming and Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1.
— Travis Lionel (@8BitRabbits) January 30, 2018
BLACK PANTHER is like a Marvel movie, but better. the action is predictably awful, but this is the first MCU film that has an actual sense of identity & history & musicality. Wakanda is alive. whole cast is great but the women (and the war rhinos) steal the show — Danai Gurira!
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) January 30, 2018
Ladies and gentlemen we have an AMAZING villain. #BlackPanther was so good I can’t breathe. AND DANAI GURIRA HOLY F@$&?!?!? I LOVE this movie.
— Ash Crossan (@AshCrossan) January 30, 2018
BLACK PANTHER is not screwing around. By far the most political Marvel chapter, to the point I had to remind myself this is a Marvel movie. BLACK PANTHER is a movie with a lot to say.
Also, Michael B. Jordan … damn
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) January 30, 2018
“Black Panther” is one of Marvel’s most ambitious works and includes, in Michael B. Jordan’s Erik Killmonger, a top tier villain for Marvel or otherwise. He owns every scene he’s in and the film is everything it’s been billed as. Long may it reign.
— Frank Pallotta (@frankpallotta) January 30, 2018
#BlackPanther is black, beautiful and proud. A gorgeously shot film with heart, action, and a message that is so needed today. The women shine bright, bold and strong and are everything women of color have been denied… till now. #RyanCoogler is a genius. LONG LIVE THE KING!!
— Yolanda Machado (@SassyMamainLA) January 30, 2018
#BlackPanther literally gave me chills! So smooth, stunning set pieces and flawlessly cast. As part of the MCU, a top three level edition, and as a standalone film, outstandingly entertaining but never overpowering. It delivers powerfully scripted ‘wow’ moments too. Loved it.
— Simon Thompson (@ShowbizSimon) January 30, 2018
BLACK PANTHER is just astonishing. Ryan Coogler has harnessed the superhero movie — and a really fun one! — to explore profound ideas and create vivid images of black excellence that so rarely ever make it to a giant Hollywood movie. Wow wow wow!
— Adam B. Vary (@adambvary) January 30, 2018
#BlackPanther is everything I wanted it to be and more than I possibly could have imagined! Hats off to #RyanCoogler for making an excellent film with great action, a smart story and a lot of laughs, all to a bad-ass soundtrack. @MarvelStudios
— Christina Radish (@ChristinaRadish) January 30, 2018
– Il trailer e il poster italiano di Black Panther
– Il nuovo trailer di Black Panther
– Una featurette dedicata al mito di Black Panther
– L’ascesa del Re del Wakanda nello spot di Black Panther
– Il nuovo poster di Black Panther
– Il full trailer di Black Panther
– I character poster di Black Panther
– Il primo trailer di Black Panther
– Alla scoperta di Pantera Nera, il nuovo supereroe del Marvel Cinematic Universe
Nel ricchissimo cast di Black Panther figurano Chadwick Boseman (T’Challa / Pantera Nera), Danai Gurira (Okoye), Lupita Nyong’o (Nakia), Forest Whitaker (Zuri), Daniel Kaluuya (W’Kabi), Florence Kasumba (Ayo), Letitia Wright (Shuri), Angela Bassett (Ramona), Sterling K. Brown (N’Jobu), Michael B. Jordan (Erik Killmonger), Andy Serkis (Ulysses Klaw), Winston Duke (M’Baku / Man-Ape) e Martin Freeman (Everett Ross).
Gli antagonisti saranno proprio Killmonger, M’Baku e Klaw (quest’ultimo già apparso in Avengers: Age of Ultron), mentre Everett Ross – che ha debuttato in Captain America: Civil War – interverrà per dare una mano a T’Challa da parte della CIA. Ci sarà anche John Kani, che ha interpretato il padre dell’eroe in Civil War: probabilmente lo vedremo nei flashback.
La sceneggiatura di Black Panther è opera di Joe Robert Cole (American Crime Story) e di Ryan Coogler (Fruitvale Station, Creed), che dirige il film. Il cineasta è circondato da alcune collaboratrici fidate: la direttrice della fotografia Rachel Morrison (Dope, Fruitvale Station), la scenografa Hannah Beachler (Fruitvale Station, Creed) e i montatori Claudia Castello e Michael P. Shawver (Fruitvale Station, Creed). La costumista è Ruth E. Carter (Selma, The Butler), e il truccatore Joel Harlow (Star Trek Beyond, Black Mass). Geoffrey Baumann (Doctor Strange, Avengers: Age of Ultron) e Dan Sudick (Captain America: Civil War, The Avengers) sono i supervisori degli effetti visivi e speciali.
L’uscita è prevista per il 14 febbraio 2018.
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