Numerosi pilot sono stati mostrati in anteprima durante la preview night del San Diego Comic-Con, ma due in particolare sembrano aver fatto breccia tra il pubblico: la sit-com Powerless della NBC e il nuovo show prodotto da Greg Berlanti per la CW, Riverdale basato sul fumetto Archie Comics trasposto nella serie animata Zero in condotta.
I just watched #Powerless and #Riverdale and I am madly in love with both of them and mad that I have to wait for more!! #WBSDCC
— lauren piester (@laurenpiester) July 21, 2016
Prima di passare ai Tweet, ecco alcune opinioni.
“Tutti gli elementi funzionano insieme e creano un succoso, irresistibile mistero su un omicidio con un intrigo romantico, un caotico dramma famigliare e complicate relazioni sentimentali tra amici e nemici, e amici diventati nemici e nemici diventati amici”.
io9 lo definisce un pilot molto strano, molto sciocco e molto divertente.
“Riverdale vuole essere Twin Peaks ma non è abbastanza strano per poterlo diventare… Riverdale non è molto profondo. Ogni punto della trama lo abbiamo già visto – assassinio, adulti con segreti, adolescenti che provano ad invertire le aspettative e vanno al college – ma con tutti i famigliari crismi di Archie… Mostra esattamente come dovrebbe essere una versione moderna di questi personaggi”.
#Riverdale is a deliciously noirish take on a fun-loving comic #WBSDCC #ComicCon
— Tracking Board (@MyTrackingBoard) July 21, 2016
#Riverdale ” a noirish mix of Dawson’s Creek and Twin Peaks with a sprinkling of Gossip Girl and Veronica Mars”
— SmallThings (@SmallThingsFr) July 21, 2016
Just a run down of some of the common comments regarding the #Riverdale pilot:
•Betty & Veronica need to get together
•Archie is boring— RIVERDALE NEWS! (@CWRiverdaleNews) July 21, 2016
• amazing cinematography
•”Gossip Girl + Dawson’s Creek + murder”
• needs more Josie and Jughead
• solid, interesting characters— RIVERDALE NEWS! (@CWRiverdaleNews) July 21, 2016
Veronica was mis-cast, Archie is a blank wall, Miss Grundy is hot, Cheryl Is insane, but I’ll still be watching #wbsdcc #Riverdale
— Wayne Webb (@TvWayne) July 21, 2016
I made it to Comic-con..was super excited to see #Riverdale , I am left unimpressed. Some good, more bad, but B&V=? was special #wbsdcc
— Wayne Webb (@TvWayne) July 21, 2016
#WBSDCC #Riverdale I still can’t believe they had Mis Grundy rape Archie in the Pilot of #Riverdale #WB has balls #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
— Matthew D Noonan (@noonanfilms) July 21, 2016
Loved #Riverdale! It was a lot fun. Very fast paced. People of earth is terrible so far
— Greg Pomes (@Greg_Pomes) July 21, 2016
Wow. Riverdale is so bad. Dark. Angsty. No humor. And worst of all, the characters are unlikable. #riverdale
— Roy Partible (@RPartible) July 21, 2016
#SDCC #tvreviews #Riverdale – the Archie comic done as a teen suspense drama – there’s a bizarre dissonance but kind of fun.
— Dorian Hess (@DorianHess) July 21, 2016
#Riverdale is “Dawson’s Creek” meets “Twin Peaks” with a more adult “High School Musical” cast. Very adult. #WBSDCC #ComicCon2016
— Dino-Ray Ramos (@DinoRay) July 21, 2016
So. Archie is lame. Betty and Veronica are amazing. This show wants to be a night soap. Very CW. #WBSDCC #Riverdale
— Kate Tracy (@katetracys) July 21, 2016
#Riverdale was fun! Super fast-paced. Great seeing @RossButler too! ?? #WBSDCC #SDCC
— Lynn Telzer (@lynntelzer) July 21, 2016
Everyone clapped very loud for #Riverdale. Not me. I’m mostly just.. #SDCC #JBuffyAtSDCC
— #JBuffyAtSDCC (@jbuffyangel) July 21, 2016
Moody teen soap meets murder mystery. Fans of #GossipGirl might enjoy it #riverdale #wbsdcc
— Adam Arndt (@AwesomeArndt) July 21, 2016
God my heart right now #TeamBetty #Riverdale #WBSDCC
— Alyssa Barbieri (@alyssab_says) July 21, 2016
I really appreciate how critical the #Riverdale #WBSDCC are of Archie and how into Betty/Veronica they are. So good.
— spatzi (@5patzi) July 21, 2016
La maggior parte dei commenti promuove il pilot, che per il momento è il must-see della stagione 2016-2017. Purtroppo si tratta di un mid-season quindi dovremmo attendere fino a gennaio per vedere il primo episodio.
Anche in questo caso il pilot è stato promosso.
Definito una stella luminosa in un mare di oscurità, “Non c’è niente da condannare qui. Anche quando gli effetti speciali sono un po’, beh, mancano (per dirla in modo gentile), non ti distraggono dal divertimento che ti da il resto dello show… Fans dei fumetti, delle commedie d’ufficio, rom-com o se volete farci una bella risata, Powerless è per voi”.
“Powerless sembra spingere un po’ troppo forte sulla commedia ma quando tolgono dalla trama principale gli atti supereroici, l’episodio funziona meglio. Il casting di Vanessa Hudgens nella simpatica e carina Emily è buono e aiuterà questo show nel lungo periodo”.
“Il problema con Powerless è che non unisce abbastanza bene i due mondi, almeno non ancora. Powerless non è male, è solamente una commedia d’ufficio fatta con tagliapasta che spreca il concetto dei supereroi che dovrebbe contradistinguerla. Quando andrà in onda questo autunno, ci sarà spazio per dei miglioramenti.”
Anche Powerless sarà una mid-season.
@yanawrites It’s pretty good. We’re all shipping #Beronica. Archie is gorge, but dull. All in all, it’ll be a fun show. #Powerless is A+.
— Becky Peters (@epic_bcky) July 21, 2016
#Powerless has great comedy from Alan Tudyk, Vanessa Hudgens, Danny Pudi. It has room to grow & I hope viewers give it that chance #SDCC
— Vanessa Frith (@VanessaFrith) July 21, 2016
.@DolbowMaria #Powerless is all of us fans if we lived in a superhero world. Except us Arrow fans would want to nail Green Arrow. ?#WBSDCC
— Lyra ➡ TheAltSource (@TheAltSource) July 21, 2016
The real surprise was #Powerless which is fun fun fun. Vanessa Hudgens… Who knew? #SDCC2016
— Regina diaz (@regywho) July 21, 2016
#Powerless is hysterical, well-acted & a great addition to NBC’s comedy lineup. Mark this one on your calendar #WBSDCC #PreviewNight
— Nora Dominick (@noradominick) July 21, 2016
Vanessa Hudgens’ best role so far #Powerless #WBSDCC
— NerdyGrey @ SDCC! (@80Grey) July 21, 2016
#Powerless is heartfelt, well-acted, and most importantly, FUNNY. #WBSDCC
— Lissete Lanuza Sáenz (@LisseteELanuzaS) July 21, 2016
.@VanessaHudgens and @dannypudi have adorable chemistry already. You’ll fall in love. #Powerless #WBSDCC #JennAtSDCC
— Just About Write (@JustAboutWrite_) July 21, 2016
So far @NBCPowerless is super funny and @VanessaHudgens is great! #SDCC2016 #sdcc #Powerless
— Cool Because @ #SDCC (@itscoolbecause) July 21, 2016
THIS IS HILARIOUS #Powerless #WBSDCC you guys….you need to watch this show ?????
— AlanahSeesSDCC (@AlanahC) July 21, 2016
#Powerless has teased at Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and so much more! Loving this comedy so much! #WBSDCC
— Lyra ➡ TheAltSource (@TheAltSource) July 21, 2016
Big applause from the crowd for #Powerless. Well deserved, even if I WAS mildly skeptical at 1st.#WBSDCC
— The Binge Queen (@mrthnsufferings) July 21, 2016
Fonti Nerdist, io9, Nerdist, Joblo, io9, Twitter
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