LEGGI ANCHE: Diablo Cody spiega perché la sua versione di Barbie non poteva funzionare
Dagli Stati Uniti giungono le prime reazioni della stampa su Barbie, e sono un trionfo: il film di Greta Gerwig ha infatti suscitato un certo entusiasmo fra questi commentatori.
Alcuni sottolineano come la cineasta sia riuscita a proporre una rilettura fresca e riflessiva della celebre bambola, affrontandone “sia i lati positivi sia quelli negativi”. Ci sono molti apprezzamenti per le performance di Margot Robbie e soprattutto di Ryan Gosling, che secondo alcuni “ruba la scena”. Il film medita inoltre sulla società contemporanea, e su cosa significa essere donna nel mondo di oggi.
Vengono fatti dei paragoni illustri con Rosa von Praunheim, Brian DePalma e Jean-Luc Godard, ma nel complesso si parla di un adattamento arguto e spassoso, molto creativo anche dal punto di vista scenografico. Per alcuni è il miglior film di Greta Gerwig. Un paio di critiche vengono rivolte alla sceneggiatura, che Sharronda Williams – pur avendo apprezzato l’opera in generale – definisce “a tratti tronfia”; dal canto suo, Perri Nemiroff non è del tutto convinta della storia, ritenendo che vari personaggi meritassero più screen time per sviluppare meglio i loro archi narrativi. Comunque, per ora si tratta di due eccezioni.
Vi ricordo che l’uscita italiana è attesa per il 20 luglio. Troverete i commenti qui di seguito.
tive that challenges traditional gender stereotypes and celebrates individuality.
— joé (@jefe90210) July 10, 2023
This truly is a delightful film everyone can love. If you think it looks too ‘girly’ or not for you, you couldn’t be more wrong. It’s incredible how universal the themes are, this is gonna blow up the box office. Congrats to the entire cast & crew!#BarbieMovie is tremendous ✨ pic.twitter.com/v0CUEUGHxw
— Atom (@theatomreview) July 10, 2023
#Barbie FLOORED ME! Rosa von Praunheim meets Brian DePalma in this devilishly hilarious anti-system film. Highly stylized, Margot Robbie is a STAR but Ryan Gosling steals the show with a monologue near the end reminiscent of Jean-Pierre Léaud’s La Chinoise speeches. MUST SEE! pic.twitter.com/BNtjGuPQr6
— Chloe 🦋 (@crybabywalker9) July 10, 2023
Overall, #Barbie isn’t the home run I was hoping for, or that I think it needs to be given the topics it’s tackling, but it’s still a well made, bold film with a VERY strong voice and vision, one that often made me think, HOW does this movie exist? And that right there is almost… pic.twitter.com/b0LxUfdInq
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) July 10, 2023
#Barbie caught me off guard & I mean that in the best way possible. It’s funny, bombastic, & very smart. Greta Gerwig aims for the fences & hits a home-run. Margot Robbie’s performance is great & @RyanGosling & @SimuLiu are pure entertainment! The whole cast is brilliant! pic.twitter.com/oXH965aUIF
— Joseph Deckelmeier (@joedeckelmeier) July 10, 2023
#Barbie is a triumph. A pitch-perfect script backed by great performances — particularly from Ryan Gosling — turns what could be a simple studio comedy into a sharp commentary on our society that makes its nuance palatable for those that may not take it at face value. GG is 3/3. pic.twitter.com/MIVRtkmtbd
— Eze (@EzeBaum) July 10, 2023
#Barbie is perfection. Greta Gerwig delivers a nuanced commentary on what it means to be a woman in a whimsical, wonderful and laugh-out-loud funny romp. The entire cast shines, especially Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling in roles they were clearly born to play. 🎀
— Katcy Stephan (@katcystephan) July 10, 2023
I can’t officially quit Twitter before telling you all that #Barbie is currently my favorite film of the year. Greta Gerwig somehow exceeded my expectations. She tackles the positives and negatives of Barbie so beautifully. Give Ryan Gosling an Oscar nomination, I’m dead serious!
— Jamie Jirak (@JamieCinematics) July 10, 2023
BARBIE is two hours of that! I was grinning and gobsmacked throughout… like how did she evade what must have been five binders full of executive notes https://t.co/D7QGWFGAhT
— Kyle Buchanan (@kylebuchanan) July 10, 2023
#BarbieTheMovie is witty, heartfelt, and downright fun at times. Ryan Gosling is a scene stealer delivering most of the laughs while Margot Robbie’s heartfelt performance will tug at your heartstrings. While I enjoyed most of the film the screenplay feels bloated at times pic.twitter.com/lepggZKZIX
— Sharronda Williams (@payorwait) July 10, 2023
A lot of us strive to be “perfect” like Barbie, but the film will show you don’t always have to be so perfect, because even in a “perfect world,” we still have flaws and that’s okay. It’s for teens and an adult crowd who grew up with the franchise. #BarbieTheMovie / #BarbieMovie https://t.co/7zKttIdhyx pic.twitter.com/P51xEEyIXR
— Boss & CEO ✨ (@iamtycole) July 10, 2023
I saw #BarbieTheMovie and Greta Gerwig left me all in my feelings as did the production design, costumes, Hair and makeup! I was living for the dance numbers led by Simu Liu ! It’s overblown fun with a feminist twist😜💗 #BarbieMovie pic.twitter.com/tL7vaUsqT4
— Carla Renata (@TheCurvyCritic) July 10, 2023
– Il lavoro di Ken è la spiaggia nella prima clip di Barbie
– Il videoclip di Barbie World
– Margot Robbie ci porta alla scoperta delle scenografie del film
– Il trailer ufficiale del film
– Il secondo teaser trailer di Barbie
– Il primo teaser trailer del film
Vivere a Barbie Land significa essere perfetti in un luogo perfetto. A meno che tu non stia attraversando una crisi esistenziale. Oppure tu sia un Ken.
Nel cast figurano Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera, Ariana Greenblatt, Kate McKinnon Michael Cera, Issa Rae, Rhea Perlman, Will Ferrell, Ana Cruz Kayne, Emma Mackey, Hari Nef, Alexandra Shipp, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Simu Liu, Ncuti Gatwa, Scott Evans, Jamie Demetriou, Connor Swindells, Sharon Rooney, Nicola Coughlan, Ritu Arya e Helen Mirren.
Fonti: ComicBook.com; Variety