Chadwick Boseman noto per aver interpretato il personaggio di T’Challa / Black Panther nel Marvel Cinematic Universe ci ha lasciati a 43 anni. Il suo pubblicista Nicki Fioravante ha rivelato in un comunicato che l’attore è morto nella sua casa nell’area di Los Angeles, al fianco della moglie e della sua famiglia.
Sul suo account ufficiale Twitter, la sua famiglia ha condiviso il seguente messaggio:
“È con immenso dolore che confermiamo la scomparsa di Chadwick Boseman. A Chadwick è stato diagnosticato un cancro al colon al 3° stadio nel 2016, e lo ha combattuto in questi ultimi 4 anni mentre progrediva al 4° stadio.
Un vero combattente, Chadwick ha perseverato in tutto questo e vi ha portato molti dei film che avete imparato ad amare così tanto. Da Marshall a Da 5 Bloods, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom di August Wilson e molti altri, tutti sono stati girati durante e tra innumerevoli interventi chirurgici e chemioterapia. È stato l’onore della sua carriera dare vita a Re T’Challa in Black Panther”.
— Chadwick Boseman (@chadwickboseman) August 29, 2020
Kevin Feige, presidente dei Marvel Studios, ha dichiarato:
“La morte di Chadwick è assolutamente devastante. Era il nostro T’Challa, la nostra Pantera Nera e il nostro caro amico. Ogni volta che ha messo piede sul set, ha irradiato carisma e gioia, e ogni volta che è apparso sullo schermo ha creato qualcosa di veramente indelebile.
Ha incarnato molte persone straordinarie nel suo lavoro e nessuno era più bravo nel dare vita a dei grandi uomini. Era intelligente, gentile, potente e forte come ogni persona che interpretava. Ora prende il suo posto accanto a loro come un’icona per i posteri.
La famiglia dei Marvel Studios è profondamente addolorata per la sua perdita e stasera siamo in lutto con la sua famiglia.”
Our hearts are broken and our thoughts are with Chadwick Boseman’s family. Your legacy will live on forever. Rest In Peace.
— Black Panther (@theblackpanther) August 29, 2020
i will miss you, birthday brother. you were always light and love to me. my god … ✌?♥️✊? ??♂️ forever and ever …
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) August 29, 2020
This man was diagnosed in 2016 and yet all of this powerful work!! I’m vibrating between immense joy for him and such sadness. But the sadness takes over. Condolences to his loved ones. He lives in the mythic. Incredible.
— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) August 29, 2020
This brother right here. Wow. No words. This life.
— Jeffrey Wright (@jfreewright) August 29, 2020
This is a crushing blow.
— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) August 29, 2020
I’m absolutely devastated. This is beyond heartbreaking.
Chadwick was special. A true original. He was a deeply committed and constantly curious artist. He had so much amazing work still left to create. I’m endlessly grateful for our friendship. Rest in power, King?
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) August 29, 2020
— Brie Larson (@brielarson) August 29, 2020
Hard to hear about this.
Rest in love, brother.
Thank you for shining your light and sharing your talent with the world. My love and strength to your family.— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) August 29, 2020
Chadwick Boseman passed away, I’m on my knees….at 43 of cancer? Peace be still….
— Pam Grier Ph.D (@PamGrier) August 29, 2020
All I have to say is the tragedies amassing this year have only been made more profound by the loss of #ChadwickBoseman. What a man, and what an immense talent. Brother, you were one of the all time greats and your greatness was only beginning. Lord love ya. Rest in power, King.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) August 29, 2020
It was the highest honor getting to work with you and getting to know you. What a generous and sincere human being. You believed in the sacred nature of the work and gave your all. Much love to your family. And much love from all of us left here.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) August 29, 2020
May you have a beautiful return, King. We will miss you so.
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) August 29, 2020
1 of my all time favorite people on the planet Chadwick Boseman has passed away after a 4 years of fighting cancer. An wonderful actor & a truly nice man. R.IP. condolences to his family
— Whoopi Goldberg (@WhoopiGoldberg) August 29, 2020
This is such a premature and terrible loss. What a brilliant, beautiful, artistic mind departed us today. So much beauty in such a short period of time. Thank you Chadwick. ??✊?#wakandaforever #RIPchadwickboseman
— Aisha Tyler (@aishatyler) August 29, 2020
“Purpose is the essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill.” –Chadwick Boseman ❤️
— TINASHE (@Tinashe) August 29, 2020
My prayers go out to Chadwick’s family and loved ones. The world will miss his tremendous talent. God rest his soul. #wakandaforever
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) August 29, 2020